Tuesday, May 1, 2018


          Asta la vista
Au revior
bon voyage 

Sadly we are going to have to say goodbye..... this is our last blog of the year until we are in 5th grade and will continue our blog.
 We have had a lot of fun and we will see you next year!
We hope to see you next year.
         Your 4th grade blogger  

              Don't unfollow us I will be a blogger next year !
                                   Sincerely Sophie

                                           Love and freedom  !                                          

Sincerely, ABIGAIL

     I will miss this so much, Love Anais  

                                                         I love bloggers Hi fans!


See you later peeps ......Flora

                                        May you be okay while I am gone because you WILL need me Eliana k


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Must or Gust !

Taos has been super windy and there has been a lot of dust  storms to with some snowstorms and rain.🌬🌬🌬🌬🌬 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃

Classroom Farm!

TISA more like TISAA Taos Integrated School of the Arts and Animals. That's right we in fourth grade literally have a classroom farm. We have two baby lambs and chicks on the way, tomorrow we are going to candle the eggs and get rid of the ones that are not growing then we also have two baby lambs who currently need to be bottle fed because the mama lambs did not accept them after their birth. and also we have guinea pigs! Next year we are making an agricultural center with chickens and goats!

we just candled the eggs a day early and they are doing wonderfully they are all growing we saw the air cell and veins 

Field Trip Palooza!!!!!

WE are going to have a field trip it is going to be amazing! We are going to go to  the Esponola wildlife center then the Santa Fe bug museum  and to top it all off ...MEOW WOLF. This will all happen on May 30th so get your party hats on and have a PALOOZA here is what all of our faces will look like at the end of our trip!!!

Image result for pictures of happy facesORImage result for pictures of happy faces!!!!!

that´s the way the cookie crumbles

That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

We would like to announce the winner of the TISA 4th grade Solar Oven Cookie bake off.  After two weeks of researching and designing as well as creating recipes was a big job and a long ,wait we were waiting from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm and in between we had to do a lot of adjustments the team how was watching there oven like a hawk  to judge we got Chris baker and Julia Karney Chris baker in the publisher of the taos news and Julia Karney is the baker at the love apple and common fire the they would chose a 1, 2, or 3. 3 meant best  2 meant great and 1   meant meh so they would choose a number for how they thought the team did in 3 categories oven design, cookie creativity, and taste the team that won got 3 in all categories with both judges and the winner is ...  

The Snappers with there cookie turtle treats 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Guinea pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE are going to meet Eliana kaysing's guinea pigs which are both girls with Ms. Megan's boy guinea pigs and are going to mate and have baby's, so get ready for a good spring birth of ...GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!! I am hoping they are very pretty because Ms. Megan's guinea pigs are named Burnt Mashed Potato and Hershey's Kiss and Eliana's guinea names are Penelope and Taco oh and taco will mate with Burnt Mashed Potato and Penelope will mate with Hershey's Kiss and here are some pics!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Eggciting Eggsperiment

Today we are starting the most Eggciting Eggsperiment of the semester we are starting to hatch eggs! Our teacher Ms. Megan said it was her 4th year doing this Eggsperimint, now we will tell you a little about what we are doing first,we are researching then we are going to do a Eggsperiment to see the difference between the fertilized  and non-fertilized egg ,then starts the long proses to the best day... the hatch day we will tell you the inside
Chick Emerging from Shell scoop of what is going on in this 21 day period. Day 1, the eyes ,head and nervous system start to develop,day 2, heart and ears develop and by the end of the day the heart starts beating, day 3 ,nose, legs, and wings are developing, day 4 ,tongue begins forming ,day 5 ,reproductive organs develop and gender is determined , day 6 ,Beak begins to form, day 7, Chick continues to develop ,day 8 ,feathers begin to develop, day 9,feathers are still growing, day 10, beak hardens ,day 11, beak continues to harden, day 12, chick is still developing ,day 13, scales  and claws appear, day 14, begin positioning for piping the shell, day 15, chick is still forming, day 16, scales and claws firms up, beak grows its small horn for breaking the shell, day 17, beak turns toward air cell, day 18, SET UP FOR HATCHING... remove turner tray or stop turning eggs ,increase humidity, 60-65 degrees ,day 19, chicks Begin  absorbing the yolk sac, day 20, yolk absorbed chick ,gathering strengh for tomorrows hatch, day 21, HATCH DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!