Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Emma Gonzales

  Emma Gonzales is a high school girl who survived a shooting at her school. She read a very persuasive essay to all the people who were in the shooting. She  talked about how Trump last February had lifted the ban on guns for mentally disabled people. She talked about how the shooter was clearly mental, but no one did anything about it. Her speech was very inspirational. Emma could be the next leader of America. " I got teary eyed watching that speech." said Eliana Kaysing, fourth grader and fellow blogger. Teenagers that were in shooting have been all over social media networks. They are tired of this violence. They're not going to just sit around and do nothing about it. Emma is just one example of teenagers all over the United States. The teenagers are taking a stand to protect are future.

Image result for emma gonzalez

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫
